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Yo Momma Jokes

Why are you always angry at me
Why do I do everything wrong
I really try hard to please you, momma
I'm sorry that I'm so bad

I wish that you would hug me
And tell me that I am good
Instead of hitting me all the time
Just once I wish that you would

I always try to please you
But it's never ever quite right
You yell at me and call me names
I cry myself to sleep at night

Why does momma always always hit me
Why can't I do anything right
She yells and swears at all of us
Why can't we have one peaceful night

Why didn't God give me a mother who loves me
My friends get hugged and kissed
I'm just an outcast all alone
When it comes to good things, I always get missed

I wish that I could run away
But I have no place to hide
Momma would go into another rage
Sometimes I wish that I had died

I can't tell anyone what goes on
I feel so ashamed
I don't want anyone to think that I am like her
She says that I'm always to blame

What's wrong with me
I just want to fit in
I want to be wanted
I want to be normal

Marge is 62 years old and has been writing all her life. She has published two books and is working on her memoir, Mama's Scapegoat.
