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Work Place Humor

Here's a $64,000 question for you: What is the difference, in effort and in time, does it take to tell a clean joke, as opposed to telling a dirty joke? There is none, as far as I'm concerned. So, why do people tell dirty jokes? The Internet is filled with them! Is it macho? Peer-pressure? Being manly? I don't have the answer!

But in reality, it doesn't matter! Psychologists can fill us up with forty and fifty dollar words that nobody understands, and dirty humor will still be around until the end of time. All we can do is to deal with it the best we can. There are always going to be the, "little minds of the world" around!

I've been in the humor business for over 40 years, and I can say that a person doesn't have to be dirty to be funny! Jokester's who resort to telling dirty jokes and using gross humor, may think they're funny, but they're not. They are only hurting themselves. They're image and reputation are tarnished immediately...that's if they care about image and reputation!

Any person who goes so low, as to tell you a dirty joke, or uses racial slurs of any kind...doesn't have much or no respect you, in my view. So, why would you want a person like this around you? A delicate situation arises, when dirty humor comes into play in the work place. The dirty humor might be coming from your boss, and how do you handle it? He or she's got the authority, and you don't!

I'll share a few things that I do, when an unwanted jokester comes into my life.

1) Tell the jokester, "I don't appreciate your humor, or lack of it, and walk away! If it's a fellow employee, who you have to tolerate, just try to ignore him.

2) If a person tells you a dirty joke, or uses dirty humor...DON'T ever smile or laugh! That way you can leave the jokester standing there waiting for the laugh that never comes. By doing this, the jokester may never return, because he did not get the laugh he was looking for in the first place.

3) One of the best tools to use for the jokester, is to say nothing at all. Remember, when your mother used to give you that COLD, HARD, PIERCING STARE when you did something wrong? I've seen plenty of those out of my mother. It is said that a picture is worth 1,000 words, so give the jokester a PICTURE of your best COLD, HARD, AND PIERCING STARE, which I think is sure to work.

4) If the jokester had told you a few clean jokes in the past and got your trust...but now he tells you a dirty joke...bust it up quickly! Don't let him finish! Look at your how time has gotten away from you, and you have a meeting soon! By doing this, you have busted up the timing and delivery of the jokester, leaving him with his mouth open, as you tell him...see ya!

It's too bad there's a negative side of humor...but there is, and it will never go away. All of us have to tolerate people of bad behavior where ever we go. And, it's not easy, especially if it's a family member or a co-worker, etc. But, take a decisive...put the jokester in his place and you'll feel better about yourself for doing so. You don't need these type of people around you!

ARTICLES PUBLISHED: (70+ websites/includes links); Direct link: name; humordoctormd - Over 150 colorful paged; over 300 graphicshttp://humordoctormd.homestead.comemail; humordoctormd@yahoo.comCopyright; Jerry L. Aragon (The Humor Doctor) 2006
