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Win a Stand Up Comedy Talent Show

If you think you are funny and good at telling jokes, you could win a stand up comedy talent show. What's the first two important ways to win:

1. Get an act that includes jokes, not just a string of jokes
2. Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse

People are much more willing to listen to a story than a joke. The story could be that old one that begins 'As I was coming to the club/pub/theater tonight....' but don't start with those words.

Or it could be about something that happened to you on vacation, when you got stopped for speeding, when your mother-in-law came to visit, or whatever. The story needs to be full of jokes, but you can keep the laughter coming.

Record your rehearsals

How do you rehearse? In front of a mirror, while recording - preferably with the same sort of mike you will have on stage. That way you get used to the mike, and you will learn what makes the sound level alter. If you want to make it more realistic, get some very powerful lights and put them where they point at you - just like being on stage.

How do you stand out? Well., you can do a lot worse than wear some odd clothes - you are there to be funny so why not look funny? You can also gesture in an odd way or walk in an odd way. Do something different - but make sure that your jokes work.

You also need a few tricks of the trade to get your act going, and some help with timing. I recommend you consult an expert for this, and one of the best I know are the Stand-up Comedy Fast Start Guide and the Comedy Timing Secrets. Get this and you will have a head start on the competition, and could well start a new career by winning a Stand up Comedy Talent Show.

Paul Cooper loves comedy and fun, and has been writing about them for years. You can get the solution to being a success in stand-up comedy here.
