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What Is Humor?

What is humor? Why do we tell jokes and why do we laugh? Humor is a complex social phenomenon. There is no one theory of humor or even an agreed definition of humor among humor theorists.

Personally I don’t worry about those questions, which are what the geeks in the lab coats are for. When we start trying to define exactly what counts as humor, we lose its merit!By the way if some of those geeks are reading this, don’t get mad have some humor.

In the internet modern world as in life, humor plays a very large part. Laughter allows us to cope with the harsh reality of living, allowing us a smiling attitude toward life and its problems. Thanks to the internet we can find humor everywhere we look. There are millions of sites and many new ones popping up every day!

Humor, jokes and game sites are very big on the net these days and will only get bigger. You ask why? Because everyone needs to laugh and just feel happy. Some of the largest visited sites on the net are joke related, receiving thousands of visitors a day! That’s a lot of people seeking to have laugh or two.

Even in serious sites and forums, you will find some humor somewhere. It can be used quite well to diffuse some anger, pain when used correctly and with compassion. There are even studies that show laughter can actually make sick people feel better and get well sooner.

Life is so short, to live so serious all the time. So as you can see humor is a powerful tool online as in life, so please have a laugh on me. Try to remember the last funny joke you heard or funny family video and just have a smile.

By Frank G For fun and Games out blonde jokes for funny times.
