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Tough Riddles

The hardest part of succeeding in affiliate marketing is knowing where to start. Wading through the pages and pages of information on the net can often be an incredibly frustrating experience for anyone new to the world of affiliate marketing. Does the list below sound like you?

1. You want to make some money!
2. You know that others make a lot of money as an affiliate.
3. You are suffering from information overload.
4. You just want a simple and effective step by step guide to success.

Listed above is exactly how I felt when I started out. It seemed that almost every site I visited talked in riddles. At the time I had absolutely no idea what was meant by term like CPC, Hoplinks, JVs and loads more as well.

On occasion I would find a useful resource (which would usually cost a fortune!) but it would have too many missing steps for a newbie like me to make use of. For example one ebook I bought gave great instruction on how to set up a hot-selling affiliate system, but then made no mention of how to get traffic to my site. I don’t need to tell you that that particular venture was a flop!

There is no doubt about it, getting established as a newbie affiliate is tough. There are resources out there though created specifically for people just like you, which offer very detailed, step by step instructions on how to succeed. I know because I eventually found them and now my sales speak for themselves.

Next time you consider buying an affiliate ebook, ask yourself one question. Does the ebook give you a step by step guide to success, along with all of the practical tools you need. If the answer is no then I strongly suggest you look elsewhere, or else you are likely to just get even more frustrated. I know because I have been there myself.

Michael McIntosh is a part time school teacher, part time successful entrepreneur. Visit to read his FREE supercharged, profit generating report on how to become a successful affiliate.
