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The Worlds Hardest Riddle

Congratulations! You have taken the first step in improving your health, wealth and life expectancy.



The first step in any journey involves thinking about what you are going to do. If you are a smoker and you are reading this, then I presume you are thinking about giving up.

Possibly, certainly. Probably – hopefully!

And the first step is often the hardest of all. Smoking is a difficult habit to break. It can cause you a good deal of anxiety and restlessness. Making the decision to even “contemplate” giving up smoking can be difficult because of the fact that you have admitted it would be a good idea (else you couldn’t have even thought about it) and because it is going to tax you, try your will power to the limit and put you in a position of being quite uncomfortable.

It is difficult, don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

But many, just like you, have done it successfully. They, too, made the first step. They too had the feelings of dread and unsavoury anticipation. They too wondered if they were doing the right thing.

But they took that first step. And then they went and took another. Then a few more steps until they realised that they have control of their habit, rather than the habit having control over them.

It felt good for them to be in control once more. Now they often cannot stand being near smoke and people who smoke. They feel fitter, their clothes smell less, their skin, breathing and breath have all improved. And they have saved a few dollars into the bargain.

Congratulations of your first step! You will not regret it.

Eric oversees the worlds best home page a user-led resource. Do you want to quit smoking? Visit Smokefree England for further information.
