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Teacher Retirement Jokes

Having been dragged through the grades by the scruff of the neck, most of us when told that teachers are just human like you and I, would put up a pretty strong argument to the contrary! Looking back however, and considering what they had to put up with every day of their working lives, I must concede, they were not only human, but super human! okay maybe that's a little bit overstated but what I'm trying to say is that they're, after all is said and done, not all bad. They did dedicate their lives to trying to educate the likes of you and me and in doing so I feel they should be looked after and provided for in their "after school" period of life.

Every person who has traded their hours for payment and paid into the system is entitled to be provided for in their retirement, and teachers are no exception. The Teachers Retirement System was founded for this very reason in every state of the U.S. This special body was founded to provide the three basic benefits of retirement for the educators of our children, namely, retirement benefits, disability benefits and death and survivor benefits. These benefits are calculated in much the same way as the normal social security benefits, in so far as the remuneration payments are dependant on how much, and for how long the payee has contributed into the system.

The governing body of the Teacher Retirement System has the responsibility of being caretaker of the collected funds and should sensibly invest and cultivate these so as to provide a healthy income for their membership, in repayment for the trust that they have received over the years. Each individual Teacher Retirement System must carry out its business so as to comply with the jurisdiction of the state in which it resides.

In much the same way as any other retirement plan, throughout their working lives, the teachers who choose to become members of the Teacher Retirement System are required to pay a predetermined monthly contribution which is calculated as 6.4% of their gross income. When the teacher reaches the age of retirement, they then begin to reap the rewards of their savings, and can usually expect a comfortable and well provided for retirement.

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Author: Thomas G. Holmshaw has compiled a vast amount of information on the topic of retirement.Please visit our web-site to discover many more quality articles, tips and advice covering all aspects of retirement.
