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Sugar Mama Dating Secrets

Sugar mama dating is the term I use for men who try to get rich women to go out with them. To some it seems a dream, but I have actually seen more than a few of my students become successful with sugar mama dating. Their success typically involves a specific dating sequence which can be broken down into two parts - The primer date and the real date. We will discuss the techniques of both and what to do with each phase in order to be successful with sugar mama dating.

A lot of men make fatal male dating mistakes when taking their sugar mama out for the first date. The problem with the first date are three fold. First, their isn't one specific location that is guaranteed to "wow" a sugar mama and make her swoon. These locations vary by personalities and taste. Second, there might be a chance when you start sugar mama dating that you run into a real nut job. Not good.

Also, it is wise to mention that to do sugar mama dating effectively, you have to create a certain impression of control, confidence and power which she will find attractive. In other words, you first impression is extremely critical.

Where do you go with your sugar mama for your first date then? Easy. You take her on a "primer date".

A primer date is a way for you to show you have attractive confidence and also lets you feel her out to see what kind of dates are likely to warm the cockles of her heart. As a bonus, it will create a feeling in her to want to see more of you, if you do it correctly.

So here's what you do. When you are approaching a woman you want to take out for sugar mama dating, first ask her if she'd like to go out for coffee. It is important you say something very close to the following:

"I'll only have about an hour, but that should be enough time for use to explore each other a little bit." This is the perfect way to set up your first sugar mama dating escapade.

Now the strategy for the primer date itself is to use that hour to create a romantic feeling in her to want to see you again and also give you ideas for the perfect date. To create the romantic feeling is an article in itself, but I will give you a few valuable pointers, and let you do the rest of the research.

First, you must make some sort of physical connection. It's as simple as touching her arm and smiling at her, and seeing how she reacts. I like to shoot for 5 of these touches on a primer date. Make it casual, simple and quick.

Next, be prepared with what I call "romantic questions". The beautiful thing about the human mind is that it thinks in pictures. So if you ask a question like, "How would you know if you are in love with someone?" She will have to think about how she would feel before she can answer that question. When done right in sugar mama dating, she will eventually associate these romantic feelings with being around you, either consciously or subconsciously.

Finally, have a strategy if all goes well. Set up the next date, but don't give her specific details. Just set the time and date, and tell her you will call her in a few days with the details. this will give you plenty of time to scheme up the perfect seduction date.

Follow this sequence and will greatly increase your chances of success in sugar mama dating.

Kurt Dight has created a free 5 day mini course in "how to seduce any women". It is available for instant access for a limited time at
