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Stupid Riddles

Why are people naturally attracted to anything that seems, or downright is , stupid!

1) Stupid is funny! -- People love to laugh. In fact, it's an extremely powerful form of self-healing. We are all instantly attracted to anything we find funny, and let's face it, the moron playing it up for the camera who walks face first into a telephone pole is funny! And Stupid!

A) Example: most of network television, and YouTube.

Ok this next one is sure to piss people off, but guess what!?! I'm too stupid to care!

2) People like feeling smart. Technically no one wants to be stupid, with maybe a few exceptions including myself! Whether they do it consciously or not, people have a tendency to surround themselves with others they deem less superior in order to feel more superior.

A) A very bad and highly controversial example of this is the fat friend! Groups of women tend to have at least one fat friend that they take out with them to make themselves more appealing! It's been played out in movies for years and do wanna know why? Because it's true!!

B) Groups of men tend to have at least one "nerd" or "geek" in their group, not only to make themselves

look better but also we tend to pay for the drinks more often!

3) Stupid is as Stupid does. Hence stupid is also very predictable. People love predictable almost as much as they love spontaneous. It's always a good bet that the stupid guy is going to do something, well , stupid!

A) Example: Why do all head's turn in a crowded bar as soon as you hear " Hey guys watch this"! Yup, you guessed it, your going to see something stupid!

4) Stupid sets the standard. Everything is only as strong as it's weakest link. Stupid isn't the same as dumb, most of the world's greatest inventions and company's are based on stupidly simple standards. Stupid is simple, and so are the best solutions.

A) Example: Wal-Mart. Charge less and make more. Duh!

B) Examples in this area are endless!

5) Stupid can be empowering. We see it all the time. Amazingly successful yet stupid people ( Sorry Paris!). Why do we love them so much? Simple. If that person can make it so can I!

A) Example: Another endless list!

There you have it. America is leading the race in stupidity! That's why we're the #1 country in the world!

Wanna see some stupid ways to get Free advertising?

Brian Fairo

Go to and see how many times you can say "Duh"!
