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Sick And Twisted Humor

What is the most important factor in your view for a successful relation?Is it the way you look or the way you really are?

How far your looks make a difference in your relation?

Well, so many questions. The answer to all of the questions can be given one by one.So many happy couples believe that to live a happy life, physical beauty does not matter as much it is considered to be. All you need to have is the sense of responsibility, humor, maturity, caring nature, loving behavior etc.

Physical beauty, however, is just a motivation for one to get attracted to the partner of opposite sex.To lead a happy life you need to feel committed. The sense of responsibility will nurture your relation.

So, even if you do not look good enough to be called a stud in your college, do not worry.There can be high chances that when you enter in a serious relation and your partner becomes crazy about you. The physical beauty can be the reason behind this.

The life is not about looking good only. It’s about doing well, about making people happy around you because you know your life makes sense because these people are around you.And that gives meaning to your life.

So stop being worried for how you look.How much you make people feel good in the least possible time and your how you care leads you to a successful relation in your life.

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