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Seinfeld Trivia

Seinfeld went for nine seasons before stopping. It is arguably the funniest comedy of all time. It has gone down with legendary status among the entertainment industry. So much so that it still is one of the most popular watched shows across television, both cable and free to air and this is only through old episodes being replayed.

There are numerous sites offering downloads of Seinfeld episodes across the internet -although a lot of them are either expensive or have poor quality. The best quality I have seen is through pod cast downloads, which come out clear especially on apple products and services.

The Seinfeld seasons are now coming out in the new blu ray DVD vision. This means they will be of higher quality so fans can enjoy the show even more. This is great news for all fans of the show, as this new viewing is so clear it feels as if your actually there with the cast in the middle of scenes.

My favorite scene through out Seinfeld has to be the one with Jerry in the taxi. When he constantly makes fun of Kramer. That is a scene that will never leave my mind and will stay with me forever. As a massive fan its really sad that the show is ending because I want to be able to watch an episode that I have not seen before. But with so many great seasons completed, I have to be happy with what the show has already given me, based on entertainment alone.

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