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Riddles Search

Keyword optimization is often misunderstood. Recently, expectations of keyword flagging riddles through the postings of even professional writers, because they use keywords in ways that grab attention - the wrong kind. I've run into this snag myself. Once you get used to using keywords, you often don't even think about how often they appear. A recent title flagged the editors of EzineArticles, because every word in the title was a keyword. The title made sense to me, and to my readers it would have had an impact, but the editors weren't part of that niche, so they indicated it was STUFFING.


I changed the title. Not a great way to grab attention - when you get the wrong kind.

But, it offered fodder for another article. And as an Article Marketer, that just means I find another lesson to teach from my experience. If you're running into the same editor, BLESS him (or her)! You might need to learn the same lesson. I'll make it easy....

To optimize your keyword titles without overdoing the program, use words that are not search engine friendly for part of your title. But, Not, Overdone, effective are probably not big items on the Search Engines. However, they fill in the title nicely and appear strong for those who read titles. You can continue to bounce through your articles with speed and jargon (or not) but be careful how often you use the terminology that search engines recognize as keyword phrases. Perhaps it would be more effective to find synonyms for those dastardly favorite words?

Above all, when you get a rejection notice, as an article marketer, keep your sense of humor and be willing to adjust the articles that are rejected. It isn't personal. It's the language you write, not YOU they are rejecting. CHANGE can happen. And you'll survive and be stronger for it. Better yet, think of the articles you'll be inspired to write from that one rejection.

There are a few things I learned from this lesson. The first, of course, being to cut the keyword bundling, even if it is incidental. Then, I learned that my sense of humor was far more important in dealing with rejection than my ego. Danged ego gets in the way more often than I'd like to admit, and I really was confused. Frustrated too - for a moment, because I didn't understand. Those 'keywords' are simply part of my language because they are so totally niche driven. Then I learned that compliance will take me far greater distances than rebellion. Of course, I remember trying to teach my kids that, but negative attention IS attention, after all!

Are you still trying to learn the lessons of a rebellious article marketer?

Jan Verhoeff plays by the rules, most of the time, at and you can get a FREE subscription to Jan's News and Updates to help you learn the secret of gaining good attention. (She might tell you how to be bad, too.) For high-production Article Marketing visit and receive two FREE Article Marketing Templates.
