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Riddles Brain Teasers

My mother-in-law had an extreme fear of developing Alzheimer's Disease as she got older. She had seen that happening to her own mother and was fearful that her brain function will deteriorate similarly. So she sought to continually challenge herself mentally through reading, attending seminars and staying engaged. She had nothing to fear as she remained sharp and alert even prior to her death at the age of 72.

She had impressed on me that to improve brain power, further education is the answer. It is true that many people, upon retiring or even as early as after formal school, fail to continue in their education. What is forgotten is that schools are not the only places for education.

There are many ways to improve brain power. The main idea is to constantly try new things and seek out the unfamiliar in an attempt to get the brain really working on figuring things out. A trip to an art museum is a great example; gazing at artwork which is open to interpretation forces the brain to come up with some sort of explanation for what it is seeing. Since most art tells some sort of story, there are always plenty of good brain teasers at places like this.

Playing a game of Sudoku or chess helps. You can improve your brain power with challenging puzzles, literary works, and computer games that encourage analysis and thinking. On the other hand, there are passive activities which do not use much brain power at all, such as resting quietly or watching television. It is far better to challenge someone to a game of cards or mahjong. The key is to find things which are enjoyable to do, yet also challenge the brain. Some of us fear the mental stimulation because we are afraid that we will "lose" in the game or that it is too "hard" to analyse. However, you improve your brain power each time you play and challenge yourself.

Reading is one of the best ways to improve brain power. It is an active activity for the brain as it works to process the information that is contained in the book. Still, what you read also plays a part. If you choose to stuff yourself with trashy romance stories, that can hardly be called mental stimulation. It is better to pick out a self help book, or one that increases your knowledge on a topic. When seeking out self improvement, it makes sense to invest time in goals which will serve to make the brain more able and clever.

You can give your kids a head start, in improving their brain power. You can introduce them to challenging games, puzzles and riddles. Encourage them to analyse, think and solve problems creatively. Giving them the opportunity to train many times over helps them become better thinking adults.

I was one of those who thought that my education stopped at formal school. For a period in my adult working life, I had spent my time partying and was more concerned about having a great time. I am glad that I am way over that now. I am in this rush to make up for lost time. Reading and challenging myself to think creatively are activities that I cannot do without on a daily basis.

Evelyn Lim writes about using Silva Mind Control techniques to improve memory and learning. She shares her insights into applying this scientifically proven system that has helped millions of people worldwide to enhance their lives. For more about her journey, please visit
