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Retirement Party Humor

All your coworkers have picked you to plan a retirement party for your boss and you have no idea what to do. You want to give your boss a memorable going away party and you want it to go off smoothly so now just how do you do it? This article will give you a few tips and ideas to plan a retirement party.

When you're planning a party, you want to have a budget in mind. If you are responsible for the budget and there is an allowance from your company then you are ahead of the game. If not, then you will need to have your coworkers all pitch in.

Decide if you want to have a theme for the party. Some ideas are Mardi Gras, Casino, Costume, Hawaiian, etc. If you go this route, planning the meal will be easier as most themes have traditional food items.

If the theme idea is out, you have to decide on where to go and what to eat. If your boss is an avid golfer having a golf outing is the easy way to go. Then you can have a picnic at the clubhouse. It all depends on what your boss likes and what their interests are. The party is about them so always keep that in mind.

As far as food, find out what they like if you don't already know. If your budget is limited, opt for a pot luck lunch or dinner. Then, cap off the evening at their favorite bar or club.

If your boss has mentioned some wishes or dreams they have always wanted to do then try that. For example, rock climbing or some other extreme sports adventure. You could make a weekend of it and create some final lasting memories. The idea is you want to do something that your boss will enjoy.

They may have not been the nicest boss all the time but this is their retirement party. So do your best to give them some fond memories of you and your coworkers.

Following these tips will help jog your mind for planning a successful retirement party. Now, get back to work.

For more retirement party ideas check out Retirement Oz.
