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Retirement Jokes

Retirement is a very crucial phase in a person's life and it needs to be taken in a lighter vein. Most people feel grouchy and uncertain about life after retirement. Retirement ought to be accepted gracefully as it is an inevitable stage in everybody's life. There are people who can take retirement in their stride and even enjoy it. Retirement jokes are very popular among retirees belonging to all professions. Retirement jokes are often coined by retirees themselves. Many retirement jokes are shared in retirement or farewell parties.

During a farewell party for retirees, they tend to become very emotional. They can add a funny retirement joke in their retirement speech to lighten the atmosphere. Generally, several colleagues also deliver a speech in such parties to make the retiree feel special. They usually share some of the best moments they had with that particular person. After a while, these lectures can become quite monotonous for others. Adding a couple of funny anecdotes and retirement jokes may be of great help to revive the interests of other listeners. Many service providers provide personalized retirement speeches to individuals after understanding their requirements. Generally, they add a few retirement jokes pertaining to the profession of the retiree.

There are plenty of joke books available in bookshops that contain a wide range of retirement jokes. These jokes can be easily included in the retirement speeches to make them more interesting. Retirement joke books make interesting retirement gifts as well. However, it is advisable to confirm that the book contains appropriate jokes depending upon the mutual relationship.

Many websites provide some of the most hilarious retirement jokes. There is also a compilation of various humorous quotes and witty one-liners on these websites. Some quotes are exclusively meant for retiring people belonging to a particular profession. For instance, "Old teachers never die, they just grade away" or "Old geologists never die, they just recrystalize."

Retirement provides detailed information on Retirement, Retirement Plans, Retirement Communities, Individual Retirement Accounts and more. Retirement is affiliated with Retirement Financial Planning.
