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Really Rude Jokes

According to the news, in the next few months, it will be illegal to be rude in the Capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing.

It appears that the residents of Beijing will no longer tolerate "attitude" problems from the workers in their marketplaces and other areas of service to the public.

Being rude is a form of blatant anger. This is how anger can manifest itself, as it shows an inability to effectively communicate during times of stress or personal problems. Being rude can be a sign that a person dislikes their job or is having other difficulties in their personal lives. Unfortunately, you just happen to be the person that is the recipient of their "attitude". My not take this personally, as it's not about you!

However, being rude can be infectious. Someone is rude to you and your rude response, in turn, affects that person and perhaps affects others that you are in contact with during your daily life. This is how anger can infect and affect those around you and grow and grow.

If you, too, are becoming rude and something about it...get professional help to give you the tools to understand and improve your communication skills, learn stress management and utilize emotional intelligence (EQ). Anger Management Service's Program is also available as an in-wervice seminar and workplace presentation.

Karen Golob, CAMF, CDC, CH, owner of Anger Management Services, is a Certified Anger Management and Certified Executive Coaching professional helping individuals gain self-awareness, identify and develop strengths, and learn how to problem-solve in order to manage life's challenges. She offers private sessions that provide confidentiality, individual attention and anonymity. Her curriculum is based on the Anderson & Anderson model.

Karen is a Fellow of the American Assoc. of Anger Management Providers, a member of the National & California Assoc. of Drug and Alcohol Counselors, the American Counseling Assoc., and Speaker's Bureau of Olive View/UCLA Medical Centers. She has a diverse and expansive background in teaching, training, public speaking and counseling.

Karen receives referrals from the Calif. Superior Courts, Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers, mental health professionals and those in the corporate and private sectors. She holds Certifications in Chemical Dependency Counseling, Anger Management, Executive Coaching and Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapy.

Contact Karen Golob, CAMF, CCDC, CH,
Anger Management Services and Executive Coaching,
Beverly Hills, CA
