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Really Hard Riddle

DREAMS, Drive and Dedication deliver Dollars.

Most people think that wealth comes from having money and knowingwhat to do with it. But this is not true. True wealth comes fromknowing how to turn nothing into assets and income. Creating wealthis about Dreams, Drive and Dollars - in that order. It's not about howmuch money you have and it's not about what you know. In fact, accordingto Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, there are five factorsand the first three are the most important. They are:

" Dream;
" Dedication;
" Drive;
" Data;
" Dollars.

Most people focus on the last two -data and dollars. They think that if theystudy accountancy and get knowledge and get a big loan from a bank that theywill make money. What wealthy people advise is that you focus on the firstthree Ds that give you the data and the dollars you need to become wealthy.If you have a big enough dream to get you out of bed in the morning;if you are totally dedicated to making your dream happen no matter whatpeople say and no matter how many setbacks you may have at first.

And if you have the drive to keep going until you win, you will find theright data or information that you need as well as the money you needto become wealthy. While money and the right know-how are important,if you are starting with nothing, it just takes getting out there and stayingout there and doing it until you succeed.


Wealth starts with a plan. "Oh we all know that," you are thinking. But not theplan that I am thinking about! The plan I'm thinking about is the one Kiyosakicalls the 90/10 Riddle. With this plan you fill your asset column without buyingany assets. This is how Bill Gates of Microsoft became the wealthiest person inthe world. He didn't do it by looking for a job and saving a few dollars each month.He did it by developing a great idea and turning it into money. He didn't earn moneyto buy assets; he discovered how to create assets without money. The way to createassets without money is by thinking.


Do you want to be one of the 90% of people who only have access to 10% of theavailable money? Or do you want to be one of the 10% of people who share 90%of the available money? If you want to get into the 90/ 10 club you need to thinkoutside the box. You need to stop following the pack and start to think in new ways,find new ideas for creating different types of assets in the assets column withoutbuying them. One way of doing this is through Multi-Level orNetwork Marketing (MLM). But be careful - there are good and badMLM companies. Check them out carefully before you get involved.A dynamic website is another way of building an asset without money.But all these methods need three things: Dreams, Dedication and Drive.You can become wealthy if:

"You are prepared to do things that you may not wish to do at first; suchas reading and getting out of your comfort zone and learning to follow andpractice what wealthy people do"

"You have the patience to read and learn and try out the new ideas, no matter howlong it may take you"

Kiyosaki says there are no poor people; only people who have not become financially literate and developed the ability to create assets out of nothing. Wealthy people are simply poor people who learned how to join the 90/ 10 club - and so can you.
