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Practical Joke Ideas

Do you know who Rich Skrenta is? Perhaps you will know him better by the name of Elk Cloner creator. Elk Cloner is the first computer virus and it was created for Apple II system and spread using the floppy disk. It all started twenty five years ago from what supposed to be a practical joke.

Today, the viruses can do lots of damages such as making your computer crashes, deleting data, and reformatting your computer hard disk. The hackers and the cyber criminals use them for their own gain and to cause havoc worldwide.

It needs a host to spread and therefore, it will attach itself to any legitimate programs in your system in order for it to replicate. If it successfully replicates itself in your system, it will take up a lot of system memory and your computer will crashes.

Nowadays, this threat has become more sophisticated than before and you can get infected by doing nothing. It is different from a Trojan Horse because a Trojan Horse does not attach itself to any programs.

If a Trojan Horse or a rootkit is infecting your system, it can open a backdoor in your system and it can download computer viruses directly to your system. Other than that, it will also download spyware and adware.

Sometimes, they spread as attachments in emails. So, it is a good practice to not to open any unknown email and this practice can help you with lots of online threats such as spam and scam.

They can also use your instant messaging software to send a link to all your contacts and the link will point to a virus download. In order to get rid of it, it is best for you to have an anti-virus installed in your system.

Please remember that only one anti-virus can be installed in your system. Installing more than one might cause a problem to your computer.

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