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Marijuana Humor

Every word you are now reading about marijuana addiction is 100% true. I will tell you now that I am certainly no Shakespeare, but this is my marijuana addiction story.

Right now, I am typing in my office, which is in a beautiful 300 year old farmhouse which is my home, and my marijuana addiction seems such a long time ago.

And yet, I reckon today would be a good day to tell you about The Seven Secrets of Marijuana Addiction.

To be fair, I didn’t just discover the secrets of marijuana addiction. For that would have been impossible. I was literally led away from marijuana addiction and from the precipice of physical, mental and emotional breakdown. Just when I couldn’t take anymore, when the sheer misery of marijuana addiction and my own existence was too much to bear, I was gently and kindly led back to life.

Yes, I had got to the point where, because of marijuana addiction, I was either going to end it all, or get some kind of help which I had never had before. Then, out of the blue, a ‘helping hand’ appeared in my life. At last I had someone to really help me with my marijuana addiction.

Now, before any of you start thinking, "Here we go, a religious nut case!" Let me put you straight. I am not very religious. I am not keen on anybody telling me what to think or how to live my life. If you are religious, I respect your right to think and do whatever you want, as long as it’s within the law.

No. I am talking about an ordinary guy who didn’t judge me, he simply explained to me about marijuana addiction.

Then he showed me how to get away from marijuana addiction. Slowly. Simply. Kindly.

Within 6 weeks I had stopped smoking marijuana.

After all, marijuana addiction is terrible and you can’t just get off it that easy. Can you? No, you can’t. That was a tough six weeks. Actually, the first three days were the most difficult.

I can still remember my first night without a joint. It was surreal. I tried watching T.V., but I just couldn’t concentrate. Marijuana addiction is tough. Then I remembered the marijuana addiction techniques. I ‘practiced’ them for half an hour, after all, I didn’t even need to get out of my armchair.

Ten minutes after doing the first marijuana addiction technique I was calm, restful and maybe even tired. So I got into bed and just lay there. Years of marijuana addiction habits started to erupt as an inner part of me realized that ‘tonight was the night’- there was going to be no joint!

I started to panic! What if? What if…?! Again I remembered the marijuana addiction techniques, I sat up in bed and began my practice. Somehow, sometime, I guess I just drifted off to sleep.

I can only describe my feelings in the morning, as all my birthdays rolled into one! I woke up. My eyes shot open. I looked stunned as the digital clock silently flicked over to 9:27am.

I had done it!
I had done it!!

For the first time - in over 10 years - I had gone to bed and slept without taking alcohol, pills or marijuana.

Over the next few weeks, marijuana addiction became a thing of the past.

Francis Taylor, ex marijuana addict, has helped thousands of people with marijuana addiction.

If you want to read the full story of my marijuana addiction, and find out exactly how you too can quit, please go to
