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Lifes Trivia, Are You Letting It Ruin Your Day? Your Life?

Trivia according to Webster - Unimportant things: a collection of insignificant or obscure items, details, or information.

I would like to take another view of this simple word. Most of life’s challenges, issues, worries, concerns, behaviors, opinions and qualms are trivia. I can hear some of you now;

I am in the middle of a divorce.
I am facing bankruptcy.
I am about to lose my job.
I have surgery next week.
My marriage is just not rewarding or satisfying.
My life is filled with chaos.
My business is in the tank.

You call what I am facing trivia?

Trust me, this list could go on forever but the more I write the more I tend to get discouraged, so enough is enough.

I admit that all of these and many more are important life issues or challenges that require hope, faith, desire, effort, persistence, tenacity or any number of other emotions, attitudes or responses. I know, because I have been through many of them and more but, here’s my point. Think about it; you are born, that’s not trivia. You die, again, that’s not trivia, but I believe that most of what happens in between is just that – trivia.

Work with me here. You just had an argument with your spouse, boss or one of your kids. I will bet that the cause of the argument was pure trivia. Now, you can let the consequences of this stuff escalate or you can just say to yourself – just trivia – not worth getting into a twit over.

Got to tell you a story. Never told it to anyone before so why not you.

I like chocolate chip cookies. Years ago in a marriage my former wife was upset because I would sneak a chocolate cookie once in a while. So I had to hide them. One day she found my stash and confronted me. He remark (not verbatim here) “I can’t trust you anymore. You sneak cookies. I can’t respect someone who will lie about eating chocolate cookies.” Well to make a very long story short, a year later we were divorced. And what started it all? You guessed it - chocolate chip cookies.

Most people when they are upset about something, if they would stand aside for just a minute and observe themselves, they would see that what they are angry about, upset about, disappointed in – whatever – is nothing but trivia.

You can either let life’s trivia kill you (stress) or you can learn to accept that life, people, circumstances and outcomes are not perfect nor ever will be.

Tim Connor, CSP is an internationally renowned sales, relationship, management and leadership speaker, trainer and best selling author. Since 1981 he has given over 3500 presentations in 21 countries on a variety of sales, management and relationship topics. He is the best selling author of over 60 books including; He can be reached at, 704-895-1230 or visit his website at
