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Humor Questions

The process of hiring a Humorous Motivational Speaker for your next meeting or event can be a daunting task. In today’s politically correct work environment choosing the right Humorous Motivational Speaker that can add appropriate and relevant humor can be a challenge.

The ideal Humorous Motivational Speaker you hire should have proven expertise in the speaking business and an exceptional command of the spoken word and humor. There are several questions you can ask the speaker to minimize any questions you have before you hire them, they are:

1.) Is the speaker a member of the National Speakers Association –NSA or the International Federation of Professional Speakers – IFFPS.

2.) How many paid presentations has the Humorous Motivational Speaker provided for your specific industry or association.

3.) Has the Humorous Motivational Speaker ever missed a speech and if so, does he have a backup speaker in case of bad weather or airplane mechanical problems.

4.) Does the Humorous Motivational Speaker have a pre-program questionnaire that asks detailed questions about your company or association so they can truly customize their program to speak to your issues and challenges?

5.) Does the Humorous Motivational Speaker have a video demo of their speech that you can view?

6.) Does the Humorous Motivational Speaker have several testimonial letters from past satisfied clients that you can contact?

If you ask these simple, yet thorough questions, you can mitigate your risk when hiring a Humorous Motivational Speaker and have a truly successful event with lots of laughs! Meeting Planners have enough stress just planning a successful event, they don't need the added headaches of hiring a speaker that represents themselves as a professional and then fails to deliver. As they say in the Army "forewarned is forearmed" and if you take the time to interview the speaker and ask him a few simple questions, you are sure to have a fun and memorial meeting!

Doug Dvorak is the CEO of DMG Inc., a worldwide organization that assists clients with productivity training, corporate humor and workshops, as well as other aspects of sales and marketing management. Mr. Dvorak's clients are characterized as Fortune 1000 companies, small to medium businesses, civic organizations and service businesses. Mr. Dvorak has earned an international reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training.
