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Humor in the Place of Business

Humor is powerful. It relaxes people and lessens the stress of the everyday rush. Good humor in workplace spiced with a joke or two generates competence and originality, and managers who bring cheer and high spirits to the workplace find the people working with them to be encouraged and willing to chip in to the growth of the company.

Good humor not only in the hands of the managers but also through all aspects of a business can be priceless in serving a company's objectives. Whether on a trade-show floor or inside a boardroom, a well-placed tasteful joke can be integrated into the presentation. The trick is to determine the limits of any joke exactly. Main principle in making a joke or offering good humor is to conform to the image of the company or corporation. If the company has a strictly solemn image, a far-out joke will cause raised brows and unpleasant comments.

To be successful, the joke needs to be funny and easily understandable. Taking too long to tell a joke will make the listeners lose their attention. One-or-two-sentence jokes are the better understood and remembered ones. On top of it all, humor needs to be politically correct without any racial, ethnic, sexual, or gender-based insinuations.

Making jokes at the expense of fellow workers is also taboo, while a self-depreciating joke can make a person more lovable by others. Using humor about situations but not people is a safe bet.

The language used is important, too. Curses and four-letter words may bring on instant shock and reaction but may mar the company's image.

Oft-repeated jokes tend to bore the employees and the customers alike. While a good laugh relaxes people, used-up, tasteless jokes can create more tension.

Humor directed to the customers has to reinforce the company's message, keeping the target audience in mind. Jokes that work with one kind of audience may not work with another, but repetition of a funny motto and mascots like the Pillsbury doughboy make the message indelible.

Jokes are not the only means for good humor. Around areas where people relax, such as the lounge, cafeteria, or the water cooler, placing humor magazines, a funny poster with a cartoon or a written sophisticated joke will improve the employee morale. Once in a while, an amusing memo from a superior or jokes sprinkled inside the company newsletter will perk up relationships.

Humor works better if handed from top down. Even in the most serious of businesses, if supervisors and managers initiate a humor break for a minute or two in each meeting, they'll find that the ideas will generate faster, employees will be motivated for better production, and there will be more amicable give and take between people.

Within the most successful business undertakings, humor encourages attendance and production. Unfortunately, not each mission in business is always successful, and failure sometimes brings bitter lessons. Yet, looking on the lighter side of things and reducing the weight on the shoulders of the employees can boost up the next step.

Humor and a cheerful workplace charge the atmosphere with energy, friendliness, and warmth, and open the way to achieving business goals, because success and laughter always walk together.

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.Facsimile.Com/ which is a site for Fax Machines. Joy Cagil is an author in .
