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Humor E-cards

I had a terrible issue with my baby shower cards.

For my first baby shower, I sent them out and then nobody came.

For my second baby shower I got people to come but where I was hopeing to get a new mother off to a good start everyone came with humor and party in mind and it almost be hazzing like the guys have. (For a second child this would have been fine BUT not for the first one.)

I mean it sounds simple right. But actually it can be crazy. You want the right feel. You want to impart wisdom to the new mother with our seeming over bearing. You want a fun party. You want to help the new mother to feel good about her position. Which can be especially important is she is on her first child and did not mean to BE with her first child.

So something like the simple little baby shower cards becomes very improtant to set the tone for the rest of the baby shower. Do you want to spend a lot of money and go fancy? Do you want to quickly print them out on your own computer? Is humor a good idea? Is wisdom a good idea?

Well I have a little advice for you if you care to take it.. How do you do this? Well think about the new mother. Is this her first? Is she nervous? Is she already excited about this new baby? Does she have strong family support? Is she married? Is she single?

When you are deciding on your baby shower cards you should first decide exactly what you want them to do

Once you know this figuring out exactly what kind of cards to write becomes lot easier.

And then your love can come through to benefit the new mother rather then just having a cheap card that gets thrown away after the party. You’ll give her something that she will save and savor for years.

This is the start of your shower and it sets the tone for everything to follow.

If you are going for humor it is often a good idea to go with a professional card because if you are going homor and home made it can seem cheap if you are not careful.

If you are going for wisdom a home made card can work very well. If you have the ability to make it look good. Are you artistic? Do you do scrapbooking…

I hope this helps. Enjoy.

This article was submitted by Marisa Meidle
A passionate expert on helping to get mothers off to a good start.
For more free info click here baby shower cards
