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How A Problem Solver Got Stress Relief

Do you behave as though you get stress relief by being the center of the universe?

What this often means is that you think you are responsible for taking care of everybody, and giving them stress relief by fixing their complications and/or problems.

There are obvious positives and negatives to this situation of enjoying stress relief.

One of the positives is that you feel you are experiencing stress relief because you are always busy and the center of attention. You are also a very good problem solver and you experience stress relief every time you solve a problem.

One of the negatives to this situation is that everybody knows that you are good at problem solving and therefore leave most things up to you because you are very efficient at solving stressful or negative situations.

This position (of a problem solver) which once provided you with stress relief , now creates all kinds of stressful situations for you. This is because you do not perceive people as perceptive and efficient as you are. Therefore, you feel this gives you the license to fix everybody's problems.

Eventually, you will discover that you have no time for yourself and stress relief because of the stress of solving other people's problems. The stress of your perceived incompetence of others will also begin to weigh heavily on you and your health. As your patience wavers, and you begin to get more and more irritable, you may start to notice that people do not really need you to solve their problems and may even begin to ignore you.This also means that you are now experiencing less stress relief.

As a hypnotherapist, NLP Trainer and Energy worker, I have seen people in my private practice hit depression and commence medications because they thought that other people needed them to solve their problems.

So what is the moral of the story?

Although you may feel that you are proficient at a task, there is always someone who is having more stress relief and fun. Other people can do the same task of problem solving better and faster than you.

If you see yourself as the only person who knows how to do the task then you are preventing yourself from learning and growing. What this means is that you are not allowing yourself to learn and enjoy stress relief because you have avoided any new ideas which may be beneficial too you.

Cecil McIntosh provides Relaxation Resources, that will turbo charge your health, business and wealth. To receive your free 7 day Relaxation course. visit this site now: Relaxation tools and Tips
