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Hilarious Jokes

I thought, seeing as I don’t do much in the way of fishing, that I would keep you all entertained with a couple of jokes. These are two hilarious ones that I have heard in the last couple of years.

The first one is where a guy goes fishing and he looks over the side of his boat and he sees a snake with a frog in its’ mouth. The guy feels sorry for the frog and takes it gently out of the snakes mouth and sets it free. He carries on fishing and then he feels sorry for the snake so he looks around the boat and all he can find is a bottle of bourbon. He opens the top and gives the snake a couple of nips. The frog had gone away happy, the snake went away happy and the guy was pleased that he had managed to perform such good deeds and save the day.

He carried on fishing and thought everything was fantastic until about ten minutes later when he heard something knocking against the side of his boat.

With stunned disbelief, the fisherman looked down and saw that the snake had returned, with two frogs!

The second joke I can tell you is the one about two Irishmen that go out fishing together in a rented boat. They manage to catch quite a lot of fish together while they are out for the day and then come back in to shore. Paddy said, “I hope you marked the spot out there where we caught all those fish!”

Murphy says “Yes indeed I did, I marked the side of the boat with an X to mark the spot where we caught them all”.

“You idiot!’ Paddy says loudly to Murphy. “How do you know we will get the same boat next time?”

For more serious information on fishing boats visit our web site. There you will find comprehensive information about the world of sports fishing
