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Gujarati Jokes

A man undergoing male menopause not only has to win over the physiological problems but also has to handle the social stigma of undergoing a male menopause. The various male menopause jokes aimed at such men are a manifestation of the deep social stigma that is associated with the idea of losing one’s masculinity. Apart from the various physiological, chemical and hormonal changes accompanying the male menopause, there is also a considerable social stigma attached to it.

A male menopause is considered as equivalent of losing one’s masculinity. Men who lose their masculinity are considered to be feminine and are commonly frowned upon in majority of the cultures around the world. Masculinity as a personality trait is held in high esteem around the world and any man who is considered to be lacking in masculinity or thought of having acquired the feminine traits becomes the butt of male menopause jokes. These jokes are often aimed at transsexual individuals who do not have a well-defined sexual characteristic. Men who have experienced the male menopause are often wrongly compared to the transsexuals. An increase in the awareness about the male menopause has also led to a corresponding rise in the number of male menopause jokes. These jokes often compare such men to transsexuals and are aimed at their increasingly feminine behavioral traits.

However, what must be kept in mind over here is that an absence of the male sex hormone testosterone does not imply a transformation into a female or an appearance of increasingly feminine traits. It can lead to a reduction in the specific male characteristics such as a high muscle mass, a deep voice, a high bone density etc. but it does not cause any appearance of the female physiological or psychological traits. Common misconceptions regarding the male menopause process have led people to believe that male menopause leads to the transformation of a man into a woman. The term menopause that is used in the context of a decreasing male libido can be partially blamed for this misconception. As if losing the masculine traits was not hard enough for a patient to swallow that he is also made to bear the humiliation of various male menopause jokes directed at him.

Male menopause jokes are primarily aimed at the decreased masculinity that follows a male menopause. A considerable decrease in the male androgen hormone testosterone that is primarily responsible for a majority of the masculine features in a man leads to a decrease in the prominence of those features and this makes such men the butt of male menopause jokes. Male menopause jokes often show such men in bad light and this aggravates the problem. This also underscores the notional importance that is given to the male masculinity in societies around the world. Majority of the people who opt for a treatment of the male menopause do so under the immense social and cultural pressures to regain their reduced or lost masculinity.

This article has been written by Rick Strong who is a journalist by profession and social activist by hobby. He has traveled to a lot of places and taken up voluntarily the task of teaching people about health issues, especially men health. He owns and operates Male Menopause
