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Give Spam a Second Chance - Easy Ways to Find Humor You Can Use

Just hear me out when I say to give Spam a second chance. Not the spam that claims to grow body parts, asks for your bank account number, or promises wealthy sums from Nigerian royalty - but all those "read this, this is really funny" emails you receive from your friends and family (sources you trust!) who seemingly have nothing better to do. I used to ditch them without reading them until it occurred to me that, as a humorist, I might actually find some good ideas in here. Note that I said good "ideas" not good "jokes." Now I view these funny emails as a goldmine of story and joke ideas. Even if you're not a humorist, most of us want to (and should want to) add humor to our presentations. Here's where you can find some. I'm not a fan of lifting material - even if the author is anonymous. But I do look at these things to see if I can find a way to turn them into different jokes that I can claim as my own - to turn jokes into stories - to take cartoons and turn them into verbal jokes.

And if you are an avid student of comedy like me, you will study them to find the themes. Humor is not so much about finding the funny in life, but finding the truths in life. These jokes will give you the truths to which you can create humor. Ask yourself, "What is this joke/cartoon/funny story saying about women (or whatever the subject)?" It may be saying that women think of a million things at once while men think of one thing at a time. No, this isn't a funny, it's a theme. You can write hundreds of jokes based on this one theme alone. I'm not going to show you how - that's another article. So give these funny spam emails another chance and build a large portfolio of funny material - you'll never laugh so much while learning. Until we meet again - Stay on the funny side!

Kelly Swanson

Staying on the funny side...
