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Funny Mexican Jokes

Should you try to be funny when you want to attract someone's attention, to get them interested in you? Well, if being funny doesn't come naturally to you, it might be better not to try.

You’ve certainly realized and experienced that one way people increase their appeal is through humor. Well, that certainly works, because if you can make people laugh, that will make them feel good, which makes you more interesting, which increases the likelihood of them going out with you.

Remember, though, that not all situations lend themselves to humor - you may end up making people think that you don’t take them seriously. This can be disastrous, whether you are the boss or an employee, or in any aspect of your private life.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being seen as a conscientious, thoughtful and reliable person who takes his or her work seriously – these are essential virtues for success in life, and they certainly don’t mean that you can’t relax, enjoy yourself, and be excellent company.

If you do decide to spice up your life with a little extrovert behavior, then remember this golden rule: never, ever make a fool of yourself when trying to be funny. Don’t tell jokes against yourself. Sure, it’s great to be able to make people laugh, but do you really want a reputation as the office clown?

Think about this for a moment: whether you’re a man or a woman, if you are considering dating somebody, then you are also going to consider what your friends and family would think of them. So it works the other way round, too, because that person you are interested in is thinking the same thoughts about you. If your attempts to be humorous make others feel uneasy because nobody knows when they are going to do the next stupid or embarrassing thing, then why would anyone want to go out with you?

On the other hand, if being serious, reliable and conscientious are important to you, then these are your strengths, and you should play to them. One thing guys should certainly think about is romance, and a few tips from "the world’s most romantic man" are going to help.

Here’s the link you need – when you’ve clicked on it, just scroll down to "300 creative dates"
