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Funny Kids Jokes

I love to watch comedy. Stand up comedians, sit-coms, and comedy shows are some of my favorites. It is not the one-liners that get me though, but the stories the comedians tell.

While one-liner jokes are funny, the parts that stick with me the longest are the stories. Funny stories about a comedian's family, friends and even people on the street will have me laughing long after the show has ended. The good stories flow so well and are so funny you don't realize you were watching comedy. You're too busy laughing.

Comedy writing is not easy. It takes a unique way to look at the world, a great sense of humor and the ability to write concisely to make a story funny. But where do you find the kind of material to make your readers laugh?

Family and Friends

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a funny family, but everyone has funny things happen at family gatherings. These events can be used as a whole store, or as a humorous tidbit. Remember, when writing a real-life event; make sure to change the names and descriptions of those involved. Unless your family likes that kind of attention.


Yeah I know, you think kids should be lumped in with family. Well, anyone who is a parent can tell you kids are in a humor class all their own. They say, and do, the most amazing and funny things. All of which can be used in your comedy writings.


Some of the best comedy stories are about people the writer does not even know. People do the funniest things, especially when they think no one is watching. Take an afternoon off and go to the mall or park with your notepad and pencil. A little people watching will fill your humor coffers quiet nicely.


Animals have a sense of humor all their own. It does not matter if it is a pet or wild animal, if you watch them long enough they will do something funny. My personal favorites are cats and birds. Especially if they are together.

When you are writing comedy you want the humor to flow well. That is what makes the story funny. If you aren't certain your story is funny, try this old writing trick. Read your story out loud to someone you trust. If that is not possible, read it with a tape recorder running. Listen for the story's flow, continuity, and humor. If it doesn't make your listener or you laugh, then it probably is not funny.

Writing comedy is not impossible. But it does take a bit of finesse and a lot of humor. And sometimes, observing the right people.

Dawn Arkin is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers. Her portfolio can be found at http://darkin.Writing.Com/ so stop by and read for a while.
