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Fun Bible Trivia

Many parents are constantly worrying about the influences in the lives of their kids, especially with the world that we live in. There are many inappropriate influences; however you can combat these influences by making sure that you give your kids a Biblical grounding when they are young. This will equip them to look at life and judge outside influences on the Bible.

One way that you can give them this Biblical grounding is to use Bible games that are educational for your children. They will teach your kids more about the Bible and you will be able to have great time together as a family too.

One game to consider is called Settlers of Canaan. This game is based on a Bible story and allows you to use strategy and team work as well. No doubt you will enjoy the competition involved, and you will also enjoy the fun of coming up with strategies together and making treaties with each other as well.

Not only do Bible Games provide fun, but many of them can really teach you a great deal as well. One great education game based on the Bible is the Ten Commandments Board Game. This game is designed to help you learn more about the Ten Commandments and some basic biblical beliefs and values.

You can also find quite a selection of Bible computer games as well. Many kids enjoy computer games, and of course you will want to make sure that the games they play on the computer are fun and wholesome. Using Bible computer games is a great way to teach your kids more about the Bible.

Bible Champions is one really great game that your kids will no doubt love. This game has 14 settings in which the solve various puzzles and get to meet interesting Bible characters too. Kids of almost every age will love this game, and no doubt you'll enjoy playing it with them too.

There are a variety of kids card games out there that are excellent Bible games that are not games of chance. You can find games like Apples to Apples with a Biblical theme to it. No doubt you, your children, and their friends will find it fun, educational, and a great promotion for some good discussions as well.

Kids also love to dance and sing, and you can provide your children with great DVD's that they can sing and dance too. Almost all kids enjoy dancing and singing, and there are some great praise DVD's available that have great songs and dances. Dance Praise Expansion is just one example of the DVD's available that your kids will enjoy. It teaches great religious tunes that teach your kids more about the Bible too.

If you want to be sure that your kids get a spiritual education that is based on the Bible, then you need to start educating them about the Bible and what it has to say. Remember, there is more to education than adding and subtracting, so check out the educational Bible games that are available for your family.

Picking up Bible skills can be fun, and games can be educational. Give your kids the best of both worlds, come visit - Educational Kids Games and discover the best, most fun way to grow and learn. For educational Bible games Visit Educational Bible Games
