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Free Trivia Questions

1. What is the proper name of the country in northwestern Europe, bordered on the north and west by the North Sea, on the east by Germany, and on the south by Belgium?
A. Holland
B. The Netherlands
C. Netherland
D. the Low Country

B. The Netherlands
TOPICS: What is the country called? Officially, The Netherlands, but it's widely referred to as Holland because during early politics the country was usually dominated by the largest and wealthiest province, Holland. "Netherlands," i.e. low territories, is a reasonably accurate description. If it weren't for the sea dikes, over a quarter of the country would be under water at high tide.

2. Which group of people have not ruled the Netherlands in the past?
A. the Romans
B. the Franks
C. the Spanish
D. the French
E. the English

E. the English
TOPICS: The country's rulers have included the Romans, a Germanic people called the Franks, the Spanish, and the French.

3. What form of government does the Netherlands have?
A. Monarchy
B. Constitutional monarchy
C. Parliamentary republic
D. Presidential republic

B. Constitutional monarchy
TOPICS: The country's political system is a constitutional monarchy. Currently, the monarch is Queen Beatrix of Orange.

4. What do the Caribbean islands of Antilles and Aruba have in common with the Netherlands?
A. Language
B. Same form of government
C. They are part of the Netherlands
D. Nothing

C. They are part of the Netherlands
TOPICS: The Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, islands in the Caribbean, are part of the Netherlands.

5. What is the capital of the Netherlands?
A. Amsterdam
B. Rotterdam
C. the Hague
D. Wageningen

A. Amsterdam
TOPICS: Officially Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. However, the Hague is the "seat of government which means that everything you associate with being a national capital is in the Hague - parliament, government offices, etc. Very curious, eh?

6. In the 1st century BC, who conquered the lands that now make up the Netherlands?
A. Alexander the Great
B. Genghis Khan
C. Julius Caesar
D. William the Conqueror

C. Julius Caesar
TOPICS: Historical accounts of the Netherlands date from the 1st century BC, when Roman forces led by Julius Caesar conquered most of the present area of the country. At the time the region was inhabited by Frisians, a Germanic tribe that lived in the north, and by other Germanic and minor Celtic tribes.

7. Which is NOT one of the Netherlands boundaries?
A. Germany
B. Belgium
C. North Sea
D. France

D. France
TOPICS: The Netherlands is bordered on the north and west by the North Sea, on the east by Germany, and on the south by Belgium.

8. By 800 the entire territory of the Netherlands was part of whose realm?
A. Charlemagne
B. Pope Adrian I
C. Alexander the Great
D. William the Conqueror

A. Charlemagne
TOPICS: By 800 the entire territory of the Netherlands was part of the realm of Charlemagne. After Charlemagne died, his empire disintegrated, and in 843 the Treaty of Verdun divided the empire into three parts. The Netherlands became part of Lotharingia (Lorraine) and still later, in 925, part of the Holy Roman Empire. At that time a Dutch nation did not exist, and the immediate loyalties of the inhabitants were to local lords.

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