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Free Riddles

"James. Psstt. Sleepy James, wake up," Lily whispered.

James was about to put his pillow over his head when he remembered what today was. He sat straight up in bed. "Did he come?"

"I don't know. I was waiting for you," Lily said.

James and Lily hurried down the stairs in their pajamas and opened the front door. There were two empty baskets on the front porch.

"Oh, no!" said James, "No Easter Bunny."

"Wait," said Lily. "There's a note."

Together, they read the note.

Dear James and Lily,

There are eggs and candy,
Chocolate bunnies, too,
but they are hidden away,
and can only be found by you.

Solve the riddles and you will find your Easter treats.

Love,The Easter Bunny

"It's a treasure hunt," said Lily.

"Where's the first clue?" asked James. He turned the note over. "Here it is."

Clue #1

I wipe your feet.
I keep dirt away.
Look under me.
Another clue will point the way.

"What does that mean?" Lily said.

James looked down. "The welcome mat."

Lily lifted the mat. Taped underneath was the second clue.

Clue #2

In the fall, I turn colors.
In the winter, I am bare.
Springtime is the best.
I have new green to wear.

"A tree turns colors," said Lily.

They ran to the big tree beside the swing set.

"There it is," said James.

Clue #3

I let you in,
I shut you out.
Sometimes you stand on me
and swing about.

"The door," said Lily.

"Wait. We can't swing on the door," said James.

They thought and thought.

"The gate," James said.

They ran as fast as they could to the gate and there was the next clue.

Clue #4

Your hunt is almost through.
You have one more thing to do.
Your treasure is beside
Something shiny, red and new.

"My new bike," said Lily.

They ran back to the shed behind the house and there, right beside Lily's new bike, were two baskets filled with Easter candy.

"This is the best Easter ever," said James, as he bit the ears off of his chocolate bunny.

"I hope the Easter Bunny does this again next year," said Lily.

"Me, too. Let's go show Mom and Dad what we got," said James.

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