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Fat People Jokes

Would you like to be a lot more popular than you are now? Do you really think that your personality is affected by your weight problem (to put it bluntly, do you think some people won't give you the time of day because you're fat)?

Only if you allow it.

That's right. Think about it. Everyone has met at least one fat woman who is always at the center of everyone's attention - outgoing, bubbly, humorous, someone everyone wants to talk to. Happiness and thinness are related, but not as closely as some folks think. Don't get me wrong. Your weight management program is very important. If you CAN lose weight, you should go ahead and do it (in my book, "A Fat Girl's Ultimate Guide to Thinness and Happiness," I demonstrate how you can do it painlessly). However, your weight management program is a means, not an end. A means to what? Happiness, of course.

If your fat keeps you from being a naturally happy, outgoing, easily adored person, remember - you are in charge. Not your fat. You.

Do not discuss your fat with others, not even if those others are fat too. Seriously. It's not worth it. Discuss exciting things - relationships, opera, history, politics, actors and actresses, whatever. Gossip. Become a good storyteller. Talk about other people. Make jokes (if you absolutely have to make jokes about your weight, make sure they're far apart; remember - joking about your weight, or your weight management program, or anything related to it, is a way of drawing attention to it, which is a sign of insecurity: it shows you want others to tell you it's okay to be fat. First of all, it isn't; second of all, they don't really care. Have fun and invite others to share; that's the idea). Smile.

When you talk to people, don't laugh at something that isn't really funny. However, when something does strike you as funny, laugh your fill. You have a melodious laugh. Most women laugh melodiously. I know - I'm rather well-placed to be a good judge of such things: I'm a man.

Naturally, there are folks out there who will notice your extra pounds before paying any attention to your bright, outgoing personality. I'll let you in on a secret: they're boring. They're not worth bothering about, so don't bother about them. They cannot influence the degree of your popularity in any way.

Ricardo is the author of A Fat Girl's Ultimate Guide to Thinness and Happiness. Download it here.

He is also the author of a number of Mighty Niche books, including "In Bed with the President," "The Kept Women of New Orleans," "Jenna Jameson: the Chief of Two Dozen Hideous-looking Highway Robbers," and others.
