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Do Not Clutter Your Article Marketing Articles with Endless Trivia from Writer Assisting Software

Did you know that many writers use software to help them write their articles? They actually do this and it is called writers software, how disgusting indeed some say. But nevertheless, many writers do this and they believe that this helps them look smart and thus they can exert more authority over the reader. I think it is weak minded, chicken waste’ish and unthinkable. Nevertheless, any one can use this software to help them write articles to use in their online article marketing.

Personally, it seems a bit like plagiarism to me, but the writer’s software claims no copyright on the very nice one, two and three sentence quotes, notations and trivia excerpts. One thing I would advise anyone using this writer’s software is; Do Not Clutter Your Article Marketing Articles with Endless Trivia from Writer Assisting Software.

Indeed in reading many articles that have been written with the assistance of writer’s software I can say this, they are not bad unless the writer goes over board and pumps in too many trivia points to support their points of contention. It is easy to do I imagine as you can search the data base CD ROM of the writer’s assistant software for historical trivia to make you look brilliant, but in over doing it authors can really mess up what could have been a relatively decent article to use in their article marketing campaigns you see? Consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
