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Do I Have A Sense Of Humor?

Do you get a lot of fun out of life in in spite of its hardships? Are you a lot of laughs for other people? Or is your life more of a tragi-comedy? Let's make a peek into a Sense of Humor by answering TRUE or FALSE to these:

    1. I am quite capable of playing the clown successfully. _____
    2. I'm afraid i get laughed at often when I intend no joke. ______
    3. The use of ethnic humor on TV is always inappropriate. _____
    4. I laugh at the majority of the jokes my friends tell. _______
    5. I often appreciate at the humor even when the joke's on me. ____
    6. Slap-stick ()comedy was never funny to me quite frankly. _______
    7. I never laugh at a risque (dirty) joke. _____
    8. Some people often see humor in everyday happenings, but not me. ____
    9. I have to be in the mood or have an alcoholic lift to be lighthearted. ____
    10. My sense of humor has truly saved me from some bad times. _____

The answer key:

Some people "play the clown" because they don't feel capable of relating effectively any other way (feel inferior). But persons with a good sense of humor should be able to play the clowns successfully sometimes (#1-T), and be able to laugh at themselves (#5-T), but not feel like they are to butt of jokes (#2-F).One should be truly amused by more than 50% of the jokes told by friends (with exclusions mentioned) (#4-T), unless you have the bad luck to be suck with pretty unfunny friends right now. Ethnic humor, like most other humor can be offensive, but is often poignantly funny (#3-F).Persons who can never laugh at a risque(dirty) joke are probably up-tight about sex and hence somewhat inflexible (#7-F). Persons who have to get in the mood or need alcohol to laugh are probably up-tight too (#9-F).Some persons think slap-stick is too low comedy, but most persons with flexible sense of humor will find of it quite amusing (#6-F). Persons with good mood, supportive sense of humor will find humor in quite simple everyday experiences (#-F) and will find that their mental equilibrium was often saved by it (#10-T).
