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Cover Letter Examples

Cover letters are the most important piece of writing that you will produce when going through the whole recruitment process so it helps to have some cover letter examples. The cover letter is the very first thing the potential employer will read from you so you MUST make an impact. If you follow some pretty simple guidelines, you will be called up for an interview because you will stand out from the crowd.

Here are some cover letter examples that you must include:

  • Current employment status (if currently employed)

  • A recent career achievement that is RELEVANT to the position you are applying for

  • The reason that you are perfect for the role

  • Your aspirations (the reason you want this position)

  • A request to meet with them to speak in greater detail about you achievements and aspirations.

Those are just a few examples that you must have in you cover letter. You can add more things but do not make the letter too long. three quarters of a page is long enough. The cover letter should be concise and straight to the point. Make sure you perform a spell and grammar check the cover letter before you send it!

Remember, it is the cover letter that they will read first so you need to make a good impression and you need to stand out from your competition. If your cover letter is boring or too long or contains mistakes, the employer will toss it, along with your resume, in the trash can.
