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Clean Short Jokes

There are obviously degrees of intelligence and if we are to call human beings, intelligent and I hear some people laughing in the background as I say this, but if we use the human brain as our model to design artificial intelligent robots then, well we have our work cut out for us.

Indeed, I would think that a higher-end artificially intelligent robot should be able to think enough to come up with its own jokes that their human companion would indeed laugh at. This subject came up recently in an online think tank when one member, Keith, while considering this subject stated;

“I couldn't disagree more. Humans expect computers "and robots" to respond with facts not deception, jovial or otherwise. Would you tolerate a clothes washing machine or dishwasher that said the items were clean when they were not? Or wasted your time accepting a command but not executing it, "as a joke"?”

This of course is not what I had in mind really, but this is an interesting point indeed that Keith makes. I was more considering that as humans have companion artificial intelligent robots, android assistants, the human must bond with the artificial intelligent robot and there needs to be an attempt to keep things on a level playing field of respect. Because taking advice from a robot or artificial intelligent machine you must respect it too. And thus you need report.

Now then if your washing machine screwed you over and you could not trust it that is one thing, a negative, yet if you had to live with an artificial person, then that person would need some additional human traits above and beyond mimicking behavior. Humor is something important; comic relief makes sense. Interesting subject no doubt and perhaps you might consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
