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Clean Jokes

In this article I will explain to you how to make women laugh and fall in love with you.
First of all you have to realize that humor is a very powerful way to attract women.
The reason why is simple they are searching for someone who can cheer them up.
You have guess it already with humor you can be the man that fulfils their needs.
In the next few paragraphs you will learn how to do it effective.

Attract women with humor #1: Avoid the slapstick routine.

Unless you have the qualities of mister Bean or Charlie Chaplin avoid being an idiot.
If you act like an idiot she will treat you like an idiot.

Attract women with humor #2: Start with easy jokes.

If you start talking with a woman start out with easy jokes.
I bet it’s not so difficult for you to learn some jokes by hard.
If you start out with difficult jokes there is a change that she will find you boring

Attract women with humor #3: Keep it clean and fresh.

There are some exceptions but very few people like jokes or stories about genitals.
Just keep it clean and fresh of course you can add a little bit of sexual orientated content in your jokes
but telling a story hundred percent about genitals is disgusting.
With fresh I mean tell a joke with your own words don’t copy a humorist you have seen on the television last night.

Attract women with humor #4 : Quit on the right time

There will come a time to settle down and be serious no matter
how good your jokes are.Look to it at this way: With humor she will become interested in you
but if she takes a second look she will discover a non-stop joker. Humor is important but nobody wants a man
who can’t be serious.

As you see humor is a very effective way to attract a woman.
If you use humor you can transform yourself from a four point guy to seven or even eight at ten.
I hope this was an answer on your question. How to Make Women Laugh and Fall In Love.

Frederik writes about online and offline dating
On his blog you will discover more tips
You can be a Cassanova before you know it.
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