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Church Humor

Church signs have been known to stop people on the side of the road to ask what they are. Outdoor church signs are mostly known for being right outside of the church with the thought of using it to attract new people to the church. Church signs are interesting because no one really knows if they are effective or not. The other question is whether outdoor church signs should be used at all, especially for the purpose of getting more people to come to the church. There are many different options for producing outdoor church signs; you simply must make up your mind what kind you would like.

The first question of the appropriateness of church signs must be answered. Outdoor church signs are not bad in themselves, but you must think about the motive behind the sign. Church signs can be funny symbols to represent your church. However, outdoor church signs can also cause unnecessary arguments among members of the church. The Lord asks us to focus on him, so that is really the question. When making outdoor church signs, ask yourselves if the focus is pointing towards the Lord or the church? If it is pointing towards the church, then the sign needs to be taken down, no questions asked.

Church signs can be designed as a church body. For a body to design outdoor church signs, they must have members who know what they are doing and who are willing to get along in the process. Outdoor church signs can be a black hole for some, and have even been known to split a church. How you deal with a sign is up to you. Outdoor church signs can be a great way to show the loving, fun, welcoming church family that you are. The number one rule with church signs is not to make people feel guilty by any means. If they choose to feel guilty because of one of your signs, then that is up to them. But if your sign is meant to make them feel guilty, then that is wrong.

Church signs can also be bought from different sign or Christian stores. This sometimes can be the way to go with outdoor church signs so that you do not have to come up with anything creative yourself. But just know that in everything, you need to focus on glorifying God. "Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual". (1 Corinthians 2:13) It is best to glorify God in all we do. Remember that the sign is the first thing a person sees before they enter your church.

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