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Cher Trivia

If you wanna know if your man loves you so, follow Cher’s advice in her hit song and you can’t go wrong. It’s In His Kiss, she divulges in “The Shoop Shoop Song” released back in the early 90s.

You women out there, romantic or otherwise, this simple yet almost foolproof test is really more than meets the eye.

If you think carefully, there is a lot of truth to the fact that “it’s in his kiss”.

Is it in his eyes, you ask? According to Cher, that is make believe and you’ll be deceived.

How about his face or his warm embrace? Well to Cher, it’s just his charm and those are just his arms.

Don’t even begin to ask her if its in the way he acts coz according to her its not!

So is it true it’s in his kiss? I believe she hit it on the nail. Men are lusty creatures but at the same time, they cannot fake emotions. To begin with, most have the emotional depth of a squid. To get them to demonstrate emotions or participate in such an emotional exercise, i.e. The Kiss, it would only be possible if they really loved you. It is quite hard to squeeze out a fake kiss I believe - we (women) should be able to identify it, assuming we don’t let our own emotions cloud the way during the test of love.

Put yourself in the same position and think about it. Would you be able to passionately kiss someone if you didn’t have feelings of love or whatever the case could be for them? I’m not talking about a 2 second touch n go exercise or just a pecker on the cheek, I’m talking about a full-on lip-to-lip kiss and perhaps some exchange of tongue or even rotation of the head. If he holds you while doing that, you’re quite assured that the man loves you. If he can’t bring himself to get intimate with you without involving nudity, I say you have a problem there girl.

If you have any doubts, play the Shoop Shoop song and listen carefully. After all, it’s in his kiss. is Asia's Women Blog Community, Where Every Woman Has Her Story. Read tips on travel, life, love, glam, parenting and many others and share your stories with the community
