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Catholic Trivia Questions

1. How much of Holland’s land was once covered by water?
A. One-fifth
B. Two-fifths
C. One-quarter
D. One-third

B. Two-fifths
TOPICS: More than two-fifths of the country's land was once covered by the sea, or by lakes or swamps. The Dutch "created" this land by pumping out the water. These drained areas, called polders, became some of the richest farmlands of the Netherlands.

2. Through marriage, war, and political maneuvering, most of the region comprising the present-day Netherlands—Holland, Utrecht, Noord-Brabant, and Gelderland—came into the hands of the dukes of Burgundy during the 15th and early 16th centuries. By 1519 this area was under whose control?
A. German emperor
B. French King
C. Holy Roman emperor
D. Russian Czar

C. Holy Roman emperor
TOPICS: By 1519 this area was under the benevolent control of Holy Roman emperor Charles V, of the Spanish branch of the house of Habsburg, who was also king of Spain.

3. How many provinces make up The Netherlands?
A. 12
B. 10
C. 8
D. 6

A. 12
TOPICS: The Netherlands is made up of 12 provinces—Drenthe, Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, Groningen, Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Noord-Holland, Overijssel, Zuid-Holland, Utrecht, and Zeeland.

4. It took the Dutch 80 years to fight for their independence from what powerful nation?
A. Russia
B. Spain
C. Germany
D. England

B. Spain
TOPICS: In 1555, Philip II, who was Spanish by birth and education and had little liking for his northern European territories, took control of Holland. His oppressive rule led to the epochal war of independence waged from 1568 to 1648 by the Dutch against Spain, then the most powerful nation in Europe.

5. What is a polder?
A. A Dutch senator
B. A windmill used to grind flour
C. A Dutch pastry
D. Land reclaimed from the sea

D. Land reclaimed from the sea
TOPICS: More than two-fifths of the country's land was once covered by the sea, or by lakes or swamps. The Dutch "created" this land by pumping out the water. These drained areas, called polders, became some of the richest farmlands of the Netherlands.

6. Who led the Low Country revolt against their overlord?
A. Prince of Orange
B. Prince of Peace
C. The Black Prince
D. Prince Lion-Heart

A. Prince of Orange
TOPICS: The political disaffection between the Low Countries and Spain resulted from excessively harsh policies resulted in open revolt let by William I, the Silent, prince of Orange, who was one of the principal noblemen of the region.

7. The political disaffection between the Low Countries and Spain coincided with what other event?
A. French Revolution
B. Russian Revolution
C. Protestant revolt
D. Musical revolt

C. Protestant revolt
TOPICS: The political disaffection between the Low Countries and Spain coincided with the Protestant revolt against the Roman Catholic church, which was the state church of Spain. Calvinism, a Protestant movement, rapidly gained ground during this period; its adherents established in the Low Countries a well-organized church that was prepared to challenge the Roman Catholic church, particularly the Inquisition, a church institution that sought to control heresy. In 1566 riots in which mobs destroyed images in Catholic churches spread across the country. In response, a wrathful Philip sent to the Netherlands Spanish troops commanded by Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Third Duke of Alba. The excessively harsh policies of the duke and of the Inquisition resulted in open revolt in the Low Countries.

8. What were the naval supporters of William, prince of Orange, called?
A. Sea Beggars
B. The Orange Men
C. Sea Devils
D. Williamites

A. Sea Beggars
TOPICS: After William’s naval supporters, called the Sea Beggars, seized the Holland port of Brill (Brielle) in 1572, the rebels took control of most northern towns, which became the bases of the revolt.

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