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Bush Humor

In the political climate of today, just about any anti Bush bumper sticker is popular. Gone are the days when he enjoyed seventy-plus percent approval ratings. Between the Iraq War, Katrina, and a host of other issues, people are hungry for political change, and that is reflected in the bumper stickers they put on their cars.

Expressing anti Bush sentiments have taken writers to new heights. You can get something as simple as "Bush Lied" to "Impeach Bush" or "Shame on Bush". Now, if your anger toward him is greater, or your political views are a bit stronger; they are several mottos that will be right up your alley. You can get a: "When Bush Lied Our Troops Died" or a "Bush... Worst President Ever!" - how's that for an anti Bush bumper sticker?

On the other hand, if you like a bit of humor in your anti Bush bumper sticker, try a: "If Bush is Goofy, Cheney is Elmer Fudd" or "Bush is America's Category 5 Disaster" bumper sticker.

Also, if you don't want an anti Bush bumper sticker that uses glue, there are magnetic ones now available as well. For some people, making it easy to put on and take off a bumper sticker is important. In addition, some people also like to put them on things other than their car. With a magnetic sticker, you can slap it on your fridge, or any other metal appliance.

So, it is easy to see that no matter what your political leaning, if you are intent on making your displeasure with President Bush clear, you can find an anti Bush bumper sticker that fits the bill. Whether you go to a store, or a website, there are plenty of bumper stickers out there.

Looking for an anti bush bumper sticker?Visit fora wide selection of magnetic and traditional bumper stickers, printed in-houseat low prices. Custom designs available too!
