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Bridal Shower Trivia Games For The Last Minute Planner

Are you planning a bridal shower and aren't sure of which games to pick? There are quite a few to choose from, with varying levels of guest participation. Trivia games allow guests to get as involved as they want, from desperately trying to find out the answers, to nonchalantly guessing. These games are also easy to prepare for, and are great as last minute wedding shower games.

The only supplies you need are pencils, paper, a list of questions, and prizes for the guests who guest the most correct answers. Bridal shower trivia games are a wonderful way to keep guests entertained while you're waiting for everyone to arrive. Guests often trickle in over a half an hour or so, which means you either need to sit and chat with them when you have a ton of other things to do, or you can give them a list of fun questions to figure out!

There are many themes you can choose from when coming up with your questions, from personal facts about the bride or groom, to wedding details, to general knowledge questions. Here are some ideas...

Getting to know the bride - these can be questions about the bride from where she was born to what her middle name is. Other possible questions can focus on the bride's favorite movie, favorite hobby, and what she likes to have for breakfast. Throw in some multiple choice questions with some far out answers to put a smile on people's faces.

Another option is to focus on the groom with similar questions. What is his favorite sports team, his ideal car, or what was his childhood nickname? You might be surprised at what his mother or favorite aunt doesn't know about him!

Wedding and honeymoon trivia is also fun, with questions on the wedding date and time, as well as where the couple plans to honeymoon. The color of the bridesmaid dresses, type of bridal flowers, and name of the best man can all be potential questions.

For these trivia games you can often get the answers from the bride herself. If the shower is a surprise you can ask her to provide the answers once she's arrived at the shower and the shock has worn off! If the shower isn't a surprise she can give the answers well ahead of time with more thought put into them.

You can also opt for more general knowledge questions in your bridal shower trivia game. If the bride is an artist you can put together a list of art related questions. If the groom is a golf nut, golf questions might show just how much the bride knows about her groom's obsession! Feel free to load the questions with some borderline inappropriate questions, if you dare...!

These trivia games don't take much time to put together, and once your list of questions is created all you need to do photocopy them so all the guests have a list. Make sure you have enough pens and pencils to go around, and make sure they all work beforehand. This sounds like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised! Hand out the questions as people arrive and then go through the answers after the gifts are opened. This not only gives the bride a chance to provide the correct answers, but it also gives the late arrivals a chance to participate.

Bridal showers are an important time for every bride. Come see us today for more creative tips on bridal shower centerpiece and ideas for wedding shower favors.
