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Blonde Jokes

You know what just cracks me up? Is when the peanut gallery makes comments about celebrities, for instance some people say Paris Hilton is a stupid blonde? Yah right? She makes $100,000 for attending a party. How much do you get paid for showing up at someone else's party these days? Hmm? Tell me and inquiring minds just don't want to know either.

Paris Hilton also has a clothes line and make-up line and gets paid millions for doing TV Ads? Real Dumb? huh? Her endorsements are over 5 million a year? You wish you were that dumb, I tell people. The joke is on everyone else!

All news is good news and anything to stay in the news ends up making her more money. Even if she gets arrested for some petty thing - Paris Hilton 10, everyone else 1 - look at the score board will you? Paris Hilton is No Dumb Blonde.

For those who are Online Article Writers you can cash in on writing about celebrities like the famous Paris Hilton icon. Perhaps you might use one of these titles below?

  • "Paris Hilton Not the Dumb Blonde You Think!"
  • "Paris Hilton Parties in Paris and Puts Pounds in her Pouch"
  • "Is Britney Spears Really Going to Sell Her Hair on E-Bay?" She should to pay for rehab?
  • "Is Britney looking to Spear a New Romance - The Cupid Tells All!"
  • "Paris Hilton does not need the family fortune anymore"

You can write an intellectual article or something of value and make a statement to the world and still run with the "Key Word" or "Long Tail" internet marketing theories. Now you see, you are trying to cash in on Paris Hiltons name, see why she is so smart, now you can be smart too, simply by writing about her. Think about it - jokes on you!

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
