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Bible Riddles

Are you a Bible Thumper or a Bible Blaster? What is the difference you ask? Well a Bible Thumper runs around telling everyone how to live, knocks on peoples doors to recruit them and generally thinks anyone who does not believe in their version of god is a heathen.

A Bible Blaster on the other hand is someone who blasts everyone else’s religion as Satanistic and uses every chance they get to blast their message in a preacheristic way to anyone within earshot.

So you are probably saying that those are the same darn thing aren’t you? Yes they are but Bible Thumper upsets people and to be totally politically correct these days we cannot call them Bible Americans or Bible Thumpers, as we do not wish to be mean. Now they are Bible Blasters, which really is in keeping with the next generation of xBox Gammers in the Church.

Are you part of the elite new generation of Bible Blasters? Well you could be, if you are offended at those darn heathens that call you a Bible Thumper then stand up for your rights to be re-branded into a more positive term; A Bible Blaster. Join the new generation of the religious elite and self-righteous today; become a Bible Blaster!

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
