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Best Riddles

There are often religious cults which are started as someone who has been a masterful manipulator all their lives grows older and is able to get some younger followers. He is able to do this because of the social unspoken rules of giving respect to your elders. They use this to their advantage and then talk in riddles and play games. It is amazing how many people will fall for this garbage and that is how cults are started.

Beware of the dirty senile Old Man professing to be a Guru of Knowledge. Sure some are, but if they really are they will not come out and tell you so, why would they? The amount of psychological games these gurus play is unnerving and if you are weak in character or of low self-esteem YOU are their primary targets. Why? Because they know they can mold you by giving you praise or companionship, in trade for you worshiping them and joining their flock.

But beware of this trap, there are so many folks out there like this. Master manipulators of the human psyche, if you have strength of character and an earned ego, you are completely safe, they will generally move on to weaker prey. It is similar to why people use "club steering wheel locks" on their cars.

The thief sees this and thus moves on to an easier car to steal or target. If you have family members or friends who have issues with low-self-esteem you need to watch them and warn them of these dirty old men who profess to be gurus of knowledge because they prey on the weak.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
