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Best Man Funny Speeches

When it comes to the best man's speech on the wedding day, all eyes are on you, all waiting for you to be funny. Best man funny speeches are what many people look forward to at a wedding and that can put a lot of pressure onto the best man to come up with something hilarious to say. Even if you are naturally funny, when the pressure is on to make people laugh often you can find your mind going blank. So just how do you write perfect best man funny speeches?

Getting Best Man Funny Speeches Right

There is a way in which you can perfect best man funny speeches and the first rule is to prepare. Whilst it is advisable to leave some space for improvisation on the actual day, mainly you want to know exactly what you want to say long before the big day actually gets there. It is not possible to be funny on the spur of the moment at a wedding. There are several things that cannot be mentioned and you need to keep these in mind.

Even if you are at your funniest when you do improvise, if you mention anything wrong then it can potentially ruin the big day. Many best men prefer to have a drink or two before they give their speech and if you did have a few drinks and then you improvised, it is likely that you could say absolutely anything. So generally best man funny speeches should be prepared for!

Also it is worth noting that best man funny speeches should never be given after you have had too much to drink. It is ok to have one or two drinks beforehand in order to calm your nerves, but you should never get drunk. Unfortunately too many brides and grooms have had their special day ruined because of a drunken best man thinking he is funny. So don't learn the hard way that alcohol and speeches don't go well together!

If you are planning on adding jokes to the speech then remember that actions often speak louder than words. If you watch a comedian on television, what is it about them that makes you laugh? Is it just what is said or is it also the way that it is said too? Facial expressions and actions along with a joke are what really make the audience laugh. So if you do want to tell a few jokes then make sure that you tell them properly!

Overall the best man's speech is definitely one of the hardest to write because people do expect you to be funny. That is why you should take your time with it and prepare it as much as possible before the big day.

So if you are in the middle of confusion of what to say and what not to say and how to deliver a witty, funny yet memorable best man speech then you must visit this site:

Bobby Wilson writes articles on different topics that interest him.
