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Being Funny Is Cool - Just Ask My Mom

Imagine this lifestyle. You walk into a crowd filled with attractive people. Each person you approach looks at you with a seductive stare. Some ask you to call. Some ask for you to dance. In this scenario you are like a Hollywood movie star.

People have this status when they’re funny. Stand up comedians are famous worldwide because of it. This dream can be a reality. Nothing is impossible in life except for taking a dump on two toilets at once. We’ll talk about that another time. Does this remind you of anyone?

A male walked into a retail store. He got excited as he noticed an attractive female employee. He displayed this excitement by acting really shy not knowing what to say to her. When the employee asked if he needed help with anything, he replied with a low toned voice “No, I don’t need help with anything.” And then he did the expected, he left the store.

What happened after that? He was thinking about her all day & couldn’t understand why he didn’t ask for her number. Well I have an answer for you. He was too scared and couldn’t come up with anything to say.

It’s not about saying anything. It’s about saying something that will get the persons attention. My personal favorite is saying something funny. The following are reasons why people don’t laugh.

  • What you said wasn’t funny.
  • The person doesn’t have a sense of humor.

If what you said wasn’t funny, it’ll be easy to notice when all you hear are crickets. If the person doesn’t have a sense of humor, that’s a better thing. It gives you hope that your jokes are actually funny.

If you are looking to improve your social life, being funny is the best option. Your life will improve in more ways than one. I know from experience!

Copyright © 2006 - David Otero

Author of includes funny jokes, text messages, MSN names, stories, emails, and much more.
