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Answers To Riddles

Position yourself to prosper

Successful people don't just know the answers, they have the answers.If you were to ask the Internet "gurus" how to make money on line, they would be able to point you to their free ebook, their website which has tons of information and testimonials, or directly to one of their products. These people are successful because they have the answers to what people need when they need it. Because they have the answers they don't have to send their potential clients elsewhere, or tell them they'll have to wait for a response until you get back to them. As most of you know, once you send your business away it normally doesn't return.

How to be ready

Nobody knows your business like you do. You are the expert. You know all the answers. In fact, you have probably typed out the same answers to 100’s of different people throughout the years. Do you know what the successful person does? He saves the questions that people ask and saves the answers he gives. Then, he organizes the information into either separate word documents or webpages so all he has to do is copy and paste the answer or direct somebody to a webpage that has the answers on it. Some people write out a FAQ (Frequently asked questions) website page or a FAQ blog to help their clients.

After you are done reading this article and visiting my website, you should take a few minutes to look through your emails. Then, copy and paste any questions and answers you see into a word document. Organize them and add as much information as you can. Make sure their are no mistakes and that your grammar is close to perfect.

If you are tech savvy you can turn that document into a webpage or just keep it in a folder in your computer so you can quickly copy and paste any information you need to send to somebody. If you are even more ambitious, you can organize the information and turn it into a website or e-book.

No matter where you save this information it is important that you have it easily accessible to you at all times.

Carl Coddington is a viral marketing expert. If you need to get some great tips on how to market yourself or your website, visit Leave a comment on my Blog and I will return the favor.
