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Aa Humor

Apart from having a decent physical appearance and good looks, girls prefer those men who have a good sense of humor. Usually people tend to feel relaxed whenever they come across anybody with a good sense of humor. Humor also helps in developing an intimate and trustworthy relationship as one finds humorous people confident, attractive, easy to approach and pleasant to converse.

The most convenient manner of developing a humorous attitude is to be in the company of people who are humorous. Usually, one does get influenced by personalities. Apart from this, one can also hang out at the local laughter club. It is easy to influence your date with a good laughter session.

Another good strategy is to have a personal humor library that has a wide collection of humorous and light-hearted books, comics, movies and TV shows that tickle the mind and induce laughter. Regular referencing of your collection is the most appropriate method to get rid of stress and nervousness. Apart from this, any joke or funny situation from these books or movies can be used to ease the tension during your first date as well as to cheer up your partner.

One more beautiful strategy that one can be followed is to have a good, hearty laugh at least ten times a day. Apart from developing your sense of humor, this strategy also helps in improving health. There is one more interesting way to impress your date called as self-effacing humor or making fun of oneself. You can recite a hilarious situation in which you were involved and the funny role you played in the entire episode. This will add to your down to earth image and make you all the more endearing to your date.

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